Monday, July 21, 2008


Got contacts today.

I learned several things that were non-contact related.

I have larger than normal pupils. The significance of this? Studies have shown that peoples' pupils increase in size when the owner of said pupils sees something he/she likes. The pupils dilate in order to increase the light intake and get a better view of the object. (Seriously, no joke!) On the opposite side, the object (in this case, another person,) sees these dilated pupils and sees a person that's attracted to them. My pupils are, by default, put into attraction mode, and when I really am attracted to somebody, they grow even larger. I'm a super-being. I look more easily approachable and emotionally open than most.

This isn't just a coincidence. I get a lot of compliments on my eyes.

Secondly, I have a slight astigmatism. So slight, in fact, that I don't even know why this gets second mention. It's probably to draw attention away from the fact that I passed out in the exam room.

WHAT?!? (is what you must be thinking right now)

The doctor insisted on putting the contacts in herself for my first time, and got them in okay. She checked my eyes through the optiscope (for lack of a better term in my optometry vocabulary,) and then left the room to get (my prescription? eye drops? I don't really know, I lost a decent amount of time.) She came back and I was about to fall out of the chair. "You're a big guy," she says, after calling my name enough times to bring me back to awake-ville. "I'm lucky I was able to tip you back into the chair!"

Boy, did I feel stupid. I wore a sweatshirt to the office today. It's usually too cold for just sitting around coding, so I wore it all day and wore it to the exam because it wasn't as hot as normal. Between that and having someone else's finger poking me in the eye, I was probably just overheated and overstressed. The doctor had the (cute) receptionist bring me a bottle of water, which was welcomed half heartedly. I was glad to have the water, but felt extra stupid now that everyone in the office now knew that I'd passed out..

My mom is now joking that I'd better be lying down before I try to take these contacts out... She's a pillar of support, that woman.

In other news, a few places in Sugarhouse have caught my interest. I've got a couple viewings of some pretty cute houses tomorrow evening so we'll see how that goes. I'll bring water this time..

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