Thursday, August 3, 2006

Archive - Region Jazz '06

--> This is old stuff from my other blog. I didn't find anything else worth keeping around. Hopefully this provides a good window into the past (just notice the date.) This was probably one of the most fun shows I played in High School, and I'm making it a goal to have an even better rock show one of these days. <--

Haha, I just realized that the only black kid in South Park is named Token. Only in America... So anyway, I set up the blog last week thinking I'd have a lot to write about but I was pretty much drawing blanks until today. Today just happened to be the region jazz festival in Provo. Wooo!... but yeah, our performance was pretty much insane. I'm not saying we sounded bad or anything, but it was kinda weird. We tuned up before we went on stage and I just used a guitar tuner to tune my bass, but the warmup room didn't have an anp in it so I had to trust the tuner which I hate doing because they're not always that great.

Anyway, we got on stage and I plugged in to the amp (it was a Fender bass amp, she was a beauty and sounded amazing). We started our first song pretty quick and while we were playing, my bass sounded off and it sounded like the second string was tuned a half step down... yeah, I know I'm paranoid sometimes... anyway, I just avoided playing the second string for the rest of the song only to find out after that it was tuned fairly well. Go me! Oh yeah, Nick totally froze on his trumpet solo. We're never gonna let him hear the end of that!

Ok, so you know that song Sing Sing? The jazz one with the whole drum/floor tom thingy at the start? Well at most festivals, there is a drumset already there to play on and Kenny kind of moved everything where he liked it and added a few cymbals, and while he was doing that, he tipped over the floor tom and all three legs fell out of the bottom. Ick. We fixed that. Sorta... but we started Sing Sing and immediately Kenny decided that the floor tom was tuned way too high for the song. I figured that there wasn't much that he could do about it. Dang I was wrong. During his first 8 measure solo, he whips out a drum key and manages to tune the drum and solo at the same time. This kid's gonna be famous someday so watch out.

Oh yeah, on the way home I got caught by a train on the Lehi Main Street crossing. That was a big A mo-fo train and it was movin dang slow too. I coulda counted cars but I realized that I shoulda been counting the cars after most of it had passed so I missed out on a great opportunity. Oh well. After about 5 minutes, every time I looked at the train, it seemed like it was going slower than the time I looked at it before. I was too happy listening to the new Thrice album to care, I figured I was either in a hurry or that I was paranoid. Turns out I was neither. The train rolled to a stop just as the last car moved in front of the rr crossing bars. You would think that this would be a good time to sit and ponder my life, but I took a shortcut and went around the back. I need to go take some free time to ponder my life.

Oh yeah, speaking about my life, the head engineer of the engineering firm VPI called me today after me leaving probably 10 voicemails over a month and a half. Finally. They are opening their new production building and they want me to interview for a paid internship so I might end up sticking it out in Utah after all. I thought I had no reasons to stay here and this comes along. Son of a... Oh well, I've heard Salt Lake isn't so bad, and I like the U too. Besides, life isn't just a picnic, or a tea party either, so grow up. (me and Kenny put that little line together while listening to some crazy T-D)
Later dudes.

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